How to Remove Virus Forever Without help of any Antivirus Software - Remove Virus permanently from your PC or laptop.

Remove Virus permanently from your PC or laptop.

So every window user has only one question that how to remove virus from computer or laptop? So today's topic is How to Remove Virus Forever Without help of any Antivirus Software - Remove Virus permanently from your PC or laptop. 

How to Remove Virus Forever Without help of any Antivirus Software
So without any delay let's start.

So first you have to come to your desktop screen. 

And then you have to press the window button and R (Win+R) together in your keyword. Or you can also search and run.

So after opening run you have to type in run temp and press enter. 

After doing this, a file will open in front of you and there will be many things inside that file, 

then you have to delete all of them, for delete all, you have to press CTRL + A,

 then by right clicking it or CTRL + D to delete.

 After doing this you have to come back to your desktop screen and under Run where you wrote temp, now you have to type %temp% on it and press enter. 

After pressing enter, another file will open again in your screen, whatever is inside it, 

you have to delete all this. To delete, first you have to select all. To select all, you have to press Ctrl + A, then after selecting all the things, 

you can delete by right clicking or you can also press Ctrl + D. 

Now you have to come back to your desktop screen and where you had searched %temp% now you have to cut it and type the recent on it and then enter. 

So after entering, a new file will open again in front of you, 

you have to delete all of them again by selecting them. 

After Selecting All you have to Delete all this items. For deleting You have  to press CTRL+D.

After deleting, you have to come back to your desktop screen and search inside run, prefetch and enter.

After entering, it will ask you for permission to open this file, then you have to give permission to it by clicking on Continue.

Now after doing this there will be a new file, 

whatever you see inside it, you have to select all and delete it. For select all you have to press  CTRL+A

After Selecting all now you have to delete all. For deleting all you have to Press CTRL+D

And you have to come back to your home screen. Now the run work is over, then you have to close that application. Then you have to open your Recycle Bin which will be on your home screen or desktop screen, 

then after opening you have to delete all the things from inside it.

To delete all things, first you have to select all,

then right click and click on delete option to delete ALL things.

After doing this you have to restart your pc or laptop once.

Now the pc and laptop that you are using, now you will see that your pc or laptop is already running very well.

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