Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

 Disadvantages of using mobile phones a lot

Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

In today's time it is impossible to imagine life without smartphones. Now smartphones are such a thing, we are not even aware that how much our life has become dependent on smartphones. Today we are the most addicted people regarding mobile phones. Now there will be many of you who use mobile phones while sleeping at night. According to me, if you have smartphones, then all of you must have been running at night while sleeping  Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and Tinder are the social media apps that people use before sleeping. Now know what are the negative effects on your brain and on you and your health by using a mobile phone before sleeping at night or while sleeping.
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

You must be aware that our body does all its work only because of the fixed body clock in our brain. We wake up in a fixed time interval. We eat our food in a fixed interval, every one of our work is fixed because of our body clock. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

Actually, by doing daily work, a clock is created in our body in our brain, which our brain always remembers, it is called our body clock or circadian rhythm. If our body clock stays in sync with nature with the outside environment then our body remains healthy i.e. if our body moves according to the outside environment then our body remains healthy.
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

There are some neurons in our brain that help in maintaining our body clock. Because of these neurons, our body clock is maintained.
This neuron is a ganglion cell that signals the release of the melatonin hormone just after sunset in dim light. Which helps us to sleep. Actually this neuron which is found in our eyes is very sensitive to blue color, seeing this blue color, this neuron gives us a signal from our eyes that it is day now and it is time to wake up. Perhaps this is the reason why our eyes always give us the signal to wake up after seeing the blue sky during the day. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

You can tell that our mobile phone also emits waves of blue light, which we use while sleeping at night, then it affects our ganglion cells. And our brain feels that now is the day. And this blue color light wave emanating from the smartphone prevents the ganglion cells from releasing the melatonin hormone. Now there are many people who must be able to reduce its effect by applying a blue light filter in their phone, but they will not be able to avoid its effect completely, using mobile phone while sleeping. People are becoming the enemy of sleep, now in such a situation a person starts thinking while using the phone, let's watch another video on YouTube. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

Spend some more time searching for anything of your work on Instagram or on Google. Now in this thinking, the person constantly runs the smartphone and remains busy in the smartphone throughout the night. By ignoring important things like sleeping, it is bringing a huge problem in our health in our life, mostly regarding our mental health. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

A research was done in Australia to see the relation between mobile phone and IQ of people, research shows that due to the increase in technology in countries like Europe and Australia, in the last 100 years, their IQ level has increased. But in the 21st century, with the development of more advanced technology of mobile phones, there is a steady decline in their IQ level. is not reading. Which is making their mental ability weak. People are saving everything on each other's mobile phone and they have no need to remember when to do their relative's birthdays and other important work. All they have to do is use their phone and they will get everything, no need to use the brain. But the mobile phone is also increasing the focus and mental ability of the people at some places. Those are people who play games on mobile phones, yes research suggests that playing video games increases the volume of gray matter in our brain. And the more gray matter in our brain, the more pathways the neuron will get, more pathways are directly linked to connectivity. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

Research from our intelligence suggests that if a person plays video games for one to two hours a day, then the level of special intelligence increases. goes. Better reflexes, focus and use of your brain make a person more intelligent and all these things are constantly improved in those who play video games, that is, 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

if the person uses his imagination to analyze his things easily, then the person's intelligence increases. is. And playing video games is increasing the imagination power of people on mobiles, which people are also able to analyze many things, but keep in mind that it also has a limit, using anything too much is also harmful. So you saw that the smartphone not only does not harm but also does some benefits. But let's also know about a research, a simple man uses his smartphone 80 times in a day by picking it up. That is, 2400 times in a month and 30000 times in a year, just imagine how many times in a year we lose the opportunity to remember something and use the brain which makes us mentally weak.
Now if you are using a lot of smartphones, then you have become like the English word NERD. 
N -networking 
E -easily distracted 
R - Robot 
D -Dependent
If this is not enough, then also know that the smartphone is constantly bending your neck. 
Disadvantages of using mobile phones while sleeping at night and using more mobile phones during the day

In fact, people are constantly bending their neck to use the smartphone, which is also working the speed of blood flow in their brain and this can also affect your mental ability. Not only this, the waves also affect the pattern of our brain and these waves are manly alpha rhythm and gamma rays which come out from mobile phones. If you want to stay, then you should put some restriction on the use of mobile phones because mobile phone is also disturbing your sleep, even your memory is also making weak.

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